Converting Your Exercise Workout into Renewable Energy

Converting Your Exercise Workout into Renewable Energy

  We all have the potential to help create a sustainable environment through renewable energy sources, and exercise is no exception. If you love the gym, then why not inject your passion into creating usable renewable energy while you are working out. Or, if you...
Energy Benches: The Future of Smart Furniture

Energy Benches: The Future of Smart Furniture

History tells us that nothing is permanent. Systems that worked a hundred years before might not be relevant in today’s society. In the same way, furniture and fashion have drastically changed over the years to cater to our ever-changing needs. For instance, we no...
The Cost of Everyday Appliances

The Cost of Everyday Appliances

All of our appliances use power, which cost varies greatly on the quality, efficiency, age, condition, home’s wiring, and on the appliance itself. Figuring out how much energy our appliances and home electronics use can help us understand how much money we are...