Pedal for Power, Cycle for Change

Crown Resorts - Eco Renewable Energy 15

Permanently installed WeWatt bikes for sustainable organisations and communities

Phone battery running low, feeling antsy? Experience the magic of pedal power with our WeWatt energy bikes.

An off-grid, interactive solution used to charge phones, laptops and devices, Eco Renewable Energy’s WeWatt bikes are a thoughtful, innovative way to promote your organisation’s sustainability initiatives.

Featuring a stunning design crafted from mostly recyclable materials, our energy bikes can be installed in both indoor and outdoor spaces.

Our WeWatt Bikes can be permanently installed in both indoor and outdoor spaces. They are perfect for high-traffic public areas, including offices, airports, shopping centers, parks, beaches, and green spaces. The WeWatt kiosks feature brandable surfaces, allowing you to align them with your messaging. This is a revolutionary and sustainable innovative green idea for open spaces.

Complete with an energy dashboard that’s embedded with a screen display to show the amount of clean energy generated, our energy bikes are a powerfully interactive way to engage and educate your audience.

Let’s chat about how we can help you to harness the goodness of pedal power and renewable energy for long-term ROI (Return on Interactions). A brilliant way to cycle for charge while inspiring the move towards sustainability, one pedal at a time.

Get in touch with our friendly team today!

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Eco Renewable Energy
Wireless + USB phone or device charging by pedalling
Eco Renewable Energy
Energy dashboard with embedded screen display
Eco Renewable Energy
Brandable surfaces
Eco Renewable Energy
Made from mostly recycled materials and stunningly crafted design
Eco Renewable Energy WeWatt
Eco Renewable Energy
An interactive tool to align organisations with sustainable initiatives
Eco Renewable Energy
Charge phones, laptops and devices with pedal power
Eco Renewable Energy
View the clean energy you generated on a dashboard
Eco Renewable Energy
Unique technology to engage audience and provide a memorable experience


Eco Renewable Energy
USB phone or device charging by pedalling
Eco Renewable Energy
Brandable surfaces
Eco Renewable Energy
Made from mostly recycled materials and stunningly crafted design
Eco Renewable Energy
Designed for parks, open spaces and greenspace to withstand all weather conditions
Eco Renewable Energy WeWatt Outdoor
Eco Renewable Energy
An interactive tool to align organisations with sustainable initiatives
Charge devices
Charge phones, laptops and devices with pedal power
Eco Renewable Energy
Unique technology to engage audiences and provide a memorable experience
Eco Renewable Energy
The perfect off-grid street furniture to enhance parks and open spaces
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